Each department and interdisciplinary program is allocated funds to purchase books and media. Departments may also make recommendations about periodical titles for addition to the collection, but due to high periodical costs, this is not always immediately possible. To supplement your disciplinary publishing catalogs, you may wish to browse CHOICE Reviews, a resource for locating reviews of scholarly resources.
From order to receipt, the turnaround time for typical items is one month for hardbacks and two months for paperbacks. Hardbacks are encouraged for long-term use in the library. Because paperbacks have a shorter shelf-life, we use our vendors’ bindery option for all paperbacks that we order. The additional bindery time necessary for paperbacks delays the receipt of these orders by a 4-6 weeks. Materials that are out-of-print, in high demand, rare, or have some other special characteristics, may take longer to acquire.
Place orders with the Library Acquisitions Manager, Marti Carwile (x2191), libacq@monmouthcollege.edu.
When ordering materials, please provide as much information as possible, to ensure that the item ordered is exactly the item requested: Author, Title, Publisher, year of publication, edition, list price, and ISBN.
We recommend the following schedule for the use of departmental allocations:
At each deadline, departmental chairpersons will be sent reports of year-to-date encumbered amounts. If materials ordered prior to June 30 do not arrive until after July 1, then the item may be charged to the next fiscal year.
If you have questions, please contact Marti Carwile (x2191), Hewes Library Acquisitions Manager, libacq@monmouthcollege.edu.